Budget Friendly Bathroom Makeover

Beauty Within your Budget

Do you want to give your bathroom a makeover but are concerned with cost? If you’re looking to complete a budget bathroom remodel all you have to do is remember the three P’s of budgeting success: Plan, Partner and Perform! Read on to learn how to remodel a bathroom on a budget!

Plan carefully the changes that will give you the most bang for your buck. Partner with Billie to get the best deals and the most convenient shopping experience. Lastly, roll up your sleeves and perform the project yourself with some DIY renovations!

Check out our tips for completing an impactful and quality low budget bathroom makeover, all for under $2,000 and all available at Billie Shop!

Update your Mirror

If you’re nervous about tackling a DIY project in the bathroom, it helps to start small and build your confidence with this easy wall idea. Hanging a modern mirror can brighten the whole space and is a simple project. A stylish and clean mirror is one of the best bathroom decorating ideas on a budget!

You’re going to want to make sure your mirror is centered over your vanity, so find the measure in from both sides of the vanity to the middle point. Then, using a level, measure up to find your ideal hanging height. Keep in mind where the hardware is located on the back of the mirror, you will have to adjust your hanging height based on where it will attach to the mirror.

Bathroom mirrors can be heavy, so be sure you’re using the hardware suggested with your mirror purchase, including wall anchors, and whenever possible secure the mirror using a stud in the wall. After screwing your hardware to the wall, find the hook on the back of the mirror and attach. Oila! Your first bathroom DIY is complete! Check out our extensive mirror selection on Billie Shop to find your perfect fit.

Install a Curved Shower Rod

Your shower is often the focal point of your bathroom so it makes sense that it would be a leading place for bathroom remodel ideas on a budget. In addition to giving your bathroom a more polished look, installing a curved shower rod will give you more space in your shower. The curved rods available on Billie Shop are easily attached to the wall and will give your bathroom a quick facelift, along with fitting in your tight budget.

All you have to do is measure straight up from the base of your shower, making sure the rod is even with or an inch inside the shower to prevent a wet floor. With a pencil, mark the wall where you would like to hang the rod (generally this will be even with the shower head) and screw the brackets to the wall using a power drill and wall anchors. The curtain rods easily slide into the brackets and will give you much more elbow room for all those hard-to-reach places in the shower.

Forget the Bar and Hook Your Towels

Instead of using a standard towel bar, add a unique and stylish décor element to your bathroom by hanging your towels using hooks and rings.

With a number of different finishes, Billie Shop has the perfect hook for your bathroom aesthetic. And they’re easy to install! First plot where you would like to hang your hooks on the wall using a pencil. Since you’re using hooks not rods, you can install at different heights for the different members of your family or keep them all uniform.

Once your hooks are plotted on the wall, line up the brackets and trace the drilling holes on to the wall. Next, you’re going to take your drill and drill bit and drill the screw holes in the wall. Then, refit your bracket over the holes and screw them tightly into place. Lastly, slide your hook over the bracket until it fits snugly. Your towels are ready to hang!

Time to Get Started

Now that we’ve provided some ideas of how you can spruce up your bathroom, get to it and start renovating! Whether you’re looking for large or small bathroom ideas on a budget, these additions are cost-effective, impactful and will give you DIY bragging rights to impress all your friends. We want to see and hear how your project went. Be sure to tag us on social media and show off your bathroom remodel on a budget! Good luck!

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